Protecting Our First Amendment Rights

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution identifies our fundamental freedoms of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition of our government. We are committed to maintaining the First Amendment as granted by the U.S. Constitution. The Foundation is made up of a group of individuals and business leaders that understand the importance of these rights and engage in serious conversations about how to protect and uphold them.

Please make a generous donation to our grassroots cause to support the political leaders in protecting our Constitutional First Amendment Rights.

First Amendment rights are crucial to preserving Freedom of Speech and expression in America. The increasing power of technology giants is concerning as they attempt to censor Americans. It’s important to find a balance between regulation and protecting our constitutional rights.

The First Amendment’s protection of Religious Freedom is one of our most cherished rights. It allows us to worship (or not) as we choose, without fear of persecution or discrimination. Let’s celebrate and defend this vital aspect of our democracy!

Freedom of the Press is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, allowing for independent media to report and investigate without fear of government censorship, promoting transparency, accountability, and democracy.

The freedom to Assemble Peacefully is protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, allowing citizens to express themselves, petition the government, and create change through collective action, essential for a functioning democracy.

The First Amendment’s protection of our Right to Petition the Government is a vital aspect of our democracy. It allows us to hold our elected officials accountable and demand action on issues that matter to us. Let’s exercise this right and make our voices heard!

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